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To become monk

Panoramic view of the monastic complex with the medieval fortificationWhat is it to be monk?
Monk is an ordinary man, whom has the divine vocation ripped out from his previous living, and who now strives to direct his life solely to Christ.
He is a man, who has found in God the absolute Love and who wants to give to this Love full priority. God becomes the only destination of the monk‘s life. Monk is not especially virtuous, he does not defy self-sufficiently the world, he would not draw off to his comfortable loneliness. On the contrary! Monks strives to answer to the Love‘s calling and therefore he leaves all that, that was dear for him, in order to dedicate himself in this freedom to Jesus Christ as to his only Lord. „If you wish to be perfect, go, sell what you have and give to poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come and follow me“ (Mt 19:21).
Wishing to react to the vocation from God, monk meets in the monastery a structure, that best fits to the needs of the monastic life. In this goal would be monk helped by the community of fellow-monks led by an abbot.  The total orientation toward God requires both externally the disconnection from the world, solitude, and internally the silence – and the enclosure of the monastery makes it possible.Procession of the monastic community in the cloister walk 
To deepen the life with God, it are opportune to employ three monastic instruments: 1.) oratio – the office (common choir prayer) and the personal prayer, 2.) lectio – reading the Scriptures, the doctors of the church and spiritual writers, and finally 3.) labor – manual working within the monastery complex. The monk lives in a simple as well as challenging style forming him to be the disciple of Jesus, to be the friend of his Lord and Master.
